Bulgarian is a Slavic language, and it’s similar to other Slavic languages, such as Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, and Macedonian.
Bulgarian language and its own alphabet
What makes it different from most other languages is its alphabet. We use Cyrillic characters (instead of Latin ones), so this is usually a challenge for Bulgarian language learners. However, it’s not that hard to learn as there are a lot of common characters that Cyrillic and Latin alphabet share. In this regard, Bulgarian alphabet is easier to comprehend than Chinese one, for example, but still, it takes some effort.

Here is one Youtube video which can help you learn the alphabet. It’s part of my Basic Bulgarian language course which you can take on Udemy.
How to read in Bulgarian
The video below is part of the same course, and it can help you understand how we pronounce all these letters. I have used as examples some international words, such as ‘pizza’, ‘party’, and ‘internet’, so you can focus on the Bulgarian letters rather than on memorizing the words.
Bulgarian Language 101: How to say … in Bulgarian?
Hello in Bulgarian is Здравей (Zdravei) .
If you’re talking to more than one person, it’s Здравейте (Zdraveite).
Thank you in Bulgarian is Благодаря (Blagodarya), or you can also use the French word Мерси (Mersi).
Good morning in Bulgarian is Добро утро (Dobro utro).
Happy birthday in Bulgarian is Честит рожден ден (Chestit rojden den).
If you want to learn more Bulgarian phrases, check this list of 18 Bulgarian survival phrases.
Your new best friend: English – Bulgarian dictionary

There are many English-Bulgarian (and vice versa) dictionaries available online, but I like PONS for its thorough explanations.
Of course, you already know about Google Translate, and you’re probably already using it. While it’s still not perfect when it comes to translating complete sentences, it does a pretty good job with separate words. Also, the voice options can be particularly useful when you don’t know how to spell a word.